The Prudential Means of Grace: Arts for Holy Living
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm
First Free Methodist Church (Sanctuary)
3200 3rd Ave. W., Seattle, WA 98119
Presented by Rev. Dr. Douglas Strong, the current Walls Endowed Chair.
No registration is necessary. This event will be video-recorded (not live-streamed).
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 | 8:30 am
First Free Methodist Church | 3200 3rd Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119
Join us for a special all-day conference. Rev. Dr. Joy Moore, from Luther Seminary, will provide a keynote, “Preaching from a Flawed Legacy.” We’ll enjoy breakout sessions on related topics with Rev. Peter Chin, Rev. Dr. Scott Dudley, Dr. Stephen Newby, Rev. Ashley Skinner-Creek, and Rev. Mike Thomas.
The conference will take place at First Free Methodist Church (across from SPU’s campus) from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, with a public lecture following the conference at 6:00 PM. Our Keynote Speaker for the conference and evening lecture is Rev. Dr. Joy J. Moore, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and the Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. We will have an additional keynote message from Rev. Dr. Scott Dudley, Senior Pastor at Bellevue Presbyterian Church, preaching by Rev. Peter Chin, Senior Pastor at Rainer Avenue Church, and a panel led by Rev. Michael Thomas, Senior Pastor at Radiant Church. Additional breakouts will be led by Dr. Stephen Newby and Rev. Ashley Skinner Creek.
Livestream link for SPU's Chapel with Peter Chin - 11/7 @ 11:10 AM - “Reconciliation and Revival: The Centrality of the Holy Spirit's Role in the Work of Reconciliation”
Livestream link for Mark Abbott Lecture with Joy J. Moore - 11/7 @ 6:00 PM - "Preaching Forgiveness in an Age of Contempt” by Joy J. Moore
June 8 | 7-9 PM
Please join us as we honor and commission our Seminary graduates. Family and friends are welcome. We'll enjoy a reception afterward so our graduates' families and friends can celebrate together.
Business casual attire is suggested.
This event is free and will include a reception afterward. We will video-record and live-stream this event (
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 | 4–5:30 pm I- Fine Center (First Free Methodist Church)
Join us as we feature and celebrate books recently published by School of Theology faculty.
May 16, 2023 - 7:00 pm - Upper Gwinn
Rev. Dr. Richard Steele will offer a lecture entitled, “Theological Education as Therapeia Psychēs,” as he anticipates his retirement.
April 25, 2023 - 7:00 pm - Upper Gwinn
Join us for our annual Walls Lecture, “Holiness Abolitionism: Christians Modeling Racial Justice,” a Dialogue on Race and Faith. This lecture will be live-streamed and video-recorded.
Discernment Days Autumn 2022
If you’ve ever wondered whether seminary was for you, Seattle Pacific Seminary invites you to explore your calling and vocation at Discernment Days on Wednesday, November 9, or Thursday, November 10. Discernment Days offers teaching, prayer, discussion, and thoughtful challenge with Seattle Pacific Seminary faculty, along with others who are considering seminary.
Nov. 9, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. - Upper Gwinn (Third Floor)
Dr. Frank Spina will offer his inaugural lecture at the Frank Anthony Spina Lectureship on Christian Scripture. His presentation is entitled, “Multiplying Divisions: A Divided Israel, A Divided Church, A Divided University.”
Join current graduate students, alumni, and community members for stimulating courses from Seattle Pacific Seminary this June.